Baked Cauliflower Croquettes

These croquettes are made in a muffin pan. You can serve them as a side to a meat dish or even for breakfast. They are very easy to prepare.

    • 1/2 cauliflower - shredded

    • 1 green onion - chopped

    • 1 tbs. of coconut flour

    • 1/4 bunch of parsley - chopped

    • 5 eggs beaten

    • 1/2 onion - sautéed

    • Salt, pepper, turmeric garlic powder

In a small pan sauté the onion until golden. Add the cauliflower, parsley, green onion and spices. In a separate bowl mix the eggs. Add the cauliflower mix to the eggs and mix well.

Pour portions on a greased muffin pan and bake the croquettes for 20-30 minutes until they are golden.

Enjoy while they are still hot!

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