Hi, my name is Francis

A stroke survivor and winner

I am a stroke survivor.  I healed from my stroke with the help of the ketogenic diet, a lot of will power and motivation. For me there is no such a thing as giving up. This is something that nothing and no one could have done for me. No one can take credit for this. This was my win. You can read how the ketogenic diet helped me to heal fast.

  • Stay in ketosis all the time
  • Don't cheat
  • Have fat in every meal, even when drinking coffee
  • Do intermittent fasting at least twice a week

The brain has its ways to make new connections to replace those that died.

A nurse from Florida Hospital told me when I was in the hospital

SOME OF My Recipes

Sometimes it is hard to change habits because we don't know how. Here are some recipes that can help you start your own ketogenic diet to heal fast.